How To Make Money on YouTube. Open A Channel On YouTube And Earn Money

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Learning how to create a YouTube channel may seem more difficult than getting started on some other social networks. But it is not so.

In addition, YouTube is the most popular social platform among US adults. Facebook uses 3/4 of American social video sites , compared to 69% of users.

More than half of these users access YouTube every day.

In fact, YouTube is the second most visited website in the world after Google.

With so much reach, YouTube is an opportunity that your business can’t ignore.

How to create a YouTube Channel in 10 simple steps

1. Create a Google account

If you’ve signed up for Gmail, Google Maps, Google Play , or any other Google service , you already have a Google account. In this case, you can move on to the next stage.

Don’t worry if the name and email address associated with your existing Google account match your brand. Your existing Google account information will not be explicitly linked to your YouTube account. This account is simply the key to getting you through the door.

If you don’t already have a Google account, do the following to get a new one:

  • Go to the Google account creation page. You can create a new Gmail address for your account or use your existing email address.
  • Enter your information and click “Next” .

2. Create a YouTube brand account

Your Google Account automatically gives you a personal YouTube account. But still, you will want to open a brand account to create a YouTube account for your business.

You will be the only person who can manage your channel with your personal YouTube account. Having the same name as your Google account means you can’t use your brand name. This is not ideal.

When you create a YouTube brand account , you can customize your channel to suit your brand and give team members access. How to do it:

  • Sign in to YouTube using your Google Account information.
  • Go to your YouTube channels page. If you have never created a YouTube channel before, you will only see your personal account. If you already have an existing brand channel, you will see it too. Click Create a new channel to create a new brand channel .
  • Make enter your name and “Create” on the (Create) scale.

Now if you go back to your channel page, you will see both your personal account and your brand account. Your brand account gives you access to YouTube analysts who provide insight into who is watching your videos and what type of content responds best .

3. Add your brand identity

As with any social channel, it is important to present a strong brand identity when starting a YouTube channel.

Make your channel a work of art

  • Access YouTube on your computer. You can edit the images in your channel only from a computer, not from a mobile device.
  • Click on the profile icon at the top right of the screen and select your channel.
  • Swipe over the profile image to bring up the Edit Channel icon . Upload a picture and edit the cropping . The recommended image size is 800 x 800 pixels. It will be displayed on YouTube as 98 x 98 pixels.
  • To perform the “Edit Channel art” function, hover over the banner image. The recommended image size is 2,560 x 1440 pixels. Art ortuyunuzun (Art cover) different devices you can see in advance how it will look and formalasdırmanı (cropping) , respectively, can adjust.

Use the YouTube template to make sure you create a cover image that works on all screens .

Add links to your YouTube channel banner

  • Log in to YouTube on your computer, go to your channel, and click on the Customize channel .
  • About (About) section, click, and then scroll down the links provided.
  • Tap the pencil icon to add links that will appear on your channel’s banner art.
  • Enter your website information. You can choose how many links will be included. If you add links to social channels, they will be displayed with social media icons.

4. Upload your first video

Congratulations! You have already created a YouTube channel. It’s time to start adding quality content.
Sign in to your YouTube account.

  • At the top of your screen, “Video Create” (Create Video) or “Post Ad” (Post) tap. It’s a bit like a camcorder.
  • Click “Upload video” .
  • Select the video you want to download from your computer.
  • Add a title of up to 100 characters and a description of up to 5,000 characters when uploading a video. Make sure you include relevant keywords in your video description, but avoid keyword stuffing.
  • Click Publish .

5. Create a YouTube channel structure

After posting a few videos, it’s important to start organizing your channel. You don’t want all the videos to come together or the latest videos to always appear first. Think about how you want people to navigate your YouTube channel, and create your YouTube account structure accordingly.

You can always change the structure of your channel later, but it’s a good idea to build a foundation when you first start your YouTube channel. You can have up to 10 sections on each channel.

The first step is to organize your content into your playlist. After that, each playlist can become its own section.

  • Sign in to YouTube, go to your channel, and click Customize channel .
  • Click on the Playlists section.
  • Click on the New Playlist .
  • Enter a title for your playlist. It can be up to 150 characters. Then the “Create” on the (Create) scale.
  • You will be redirected to the screen for your new playlist. Click ” Edit ” .
  • Tap Add videos .
  • Click on your YouTube videos.
  • Select the videos you want to add to your playlist and click Add videos .

Don’t create random playlists. Each playlist must be clearly focused on something and logically move from one video to another for people to watch.

After that, you can use your playlists to create YouTube channel sections:

  • Access YouTube on your computer, navigate to your channel, and tap Customize channel .
  • Scroll down the screen and click “Add Section” .
  • Select a single playlist from the drop-down content menu.
  • Select “My playlists” under “Choose playlist” .
  • From the “Find Playlist” drop-down menu, select the playlist you want to include in your section.
  • Click Done .

6. Create a channel trailer

The channel trailer is a short video that allows you to introduce yourself to newcomers to your channel. Use it to show your users what you are and why they should watch your videos and subscribe to your channel.

Here’s how to make a trailer for your YouTube channel.

  • Go to YouTube and download the video you want to use as a channel trailer.
  • Navigate to your channel and click on “Customize channel” .
  • “New visitors to” (For new visitors) , and then treylerinə Channel (Channel trailer) scale.
  • Treyleriniz be used as a video and select “Save” in the (Save) tap.

7. Make your channel detectable

You have already set up your channel and some great content has been created. Now it’s time to make sure people can find your channel. There are several ways to make your channel visible.

Add channel keywords

  • Sign in to YouTube and click on the profile icon on the right.
  • In the popup menu, select “Creator Studio” .
  • From the left menu, tap Channel . Then click the “Advanced” button in the menu that appears at the bottom .
  • “Related Keywords” (Channel keywords) section, enter keywords that match the content. Just make sure you focus on keywords that are really relevant to the content you plan to produce.

Allow Channel recommendation

  • Scroll down to the Channel Recommendations section and open the option to allow your channel to appear in the recommendations of other channels.
  • Low Pass and “save” the (Save) tap.

Add a great channel description

  • On your YouTube channel page, click Customize channel .
  • About (About) section of the tap.
  • Swipe over the description and tap the pencil icon to add a channel image. You can use up to 1000 characters, use them wisely. Add relevant keywords to help make your channel more detectable .

8. Add team members

Your YouTube channel is in great shape. Now it’s time to add team members to help manage it.

  • Sign in to YouTube and click on the profile icon on the right.
  • The drop-down menu in the “Settings” i (Settings) to choose from.
  • Managers at the bottom of the page “Add” (Add), or “Remove” in the (Remove) scale.
  • Click Manage permissions .
  • Tap the people icon in the top right to invite new users.
  • Enter the email addresses of the team members you want to add to your account. You need to choose a role for each person. Channel owners can perform any activity, including deleting an account and adding new users. Managers can share videos. The communication manager is not a suitable role for YouTube, as this role does not allow access to your channel.
  • Tap Invite , then Done .

9. Confirm your account to access more features

You must confirm your YouTube account to upload videos longer than 15 minutes and create custom sketches for your videos.

  • Go to
  • Select your country, then select the verification code you want to receive with text or an automated voice message.
  • Enter your phone number.
  • Enter the verification code you received and click Submit .
  • Click “Continue” .

Your channel has now been approved. You will see that the option to upload longer videos and create custom sketches on your channel is already active.

10. Join the YouTube Partner Program to unlock more features

After reaching more than 1,000 subscribers and receiving more than 4,000 hours of total views in the last 12 months , you can apply to join the YouTube Partner Program. Joining the app opens up more features for your YouTube channel, including monetization .

  • Sign in to YouTube and click on the profile icon on the right.
  • In the popup menu, select “Creator Studio” .
  • From the left menu, click Channel . Then tap Status and Features in the menu that appears below .
  • Find the Monetize box andclick Enable .
  • Take steps to start earning money by reading and agreeing to the terms of the YouTube Partner Program listed in the application.
  • Wait. It currently takes more than a month to review YouTube Affiliate Program applications. To increase your chances of approval, make sure your application is fully compliant with all terms and conditions prior to submission.

Getting started on a YouTube channel can seem tedious, but remember that the most important thing is to just start creating great content. As you grow older, you can improve the details of your YouTube channel .

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