What Is A Blog? Who Is A Blogger? What To Do To Become A Blogger

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What is a blog?

A blog is a type of website where content is presented in reverse chronological order (initially, new content appears). Often referred to as blog content, entries or “blog posts”.

Blogs are generally run by one person or a small group to provide information in a conversational way. However, there are now many corporate blogs that create content in the form of informative and thought-provoking content.

Typical blog posts also have a comments section where users can respond to the article.

History of blogs

Blogs evolved from online diaries and magazines in the mid-1990s. At the time, Internet users operated personal websites that regularly published updates on their personal lives, thoughts, and social comments.

The term web log was first used in the late 1990s, then “weblog” , then “we blog” and finally “blog” .

Due to the increase in the number of such web pages, several widgets began to appear, which made it easier for users to create online magazines and blogs. These tulles helped popularize blogging and made the technology accessible to non-technical users.

The popular blogging website Blogger.com was launched in 1999 and was later acquired by Google in February 2003. In May of that year, WordPress released its first version as a blogging platform. Today, WordPress is the world’s most popular blogging platform, supporting more than 30% of all websites on the Internet .

Who is a blogger?

A blogger is a person who writes content on a web blog (called a short blog). Blogging is often called blogging . For example, if you have a blog in WordPress and are writing a new post about your day, you are a blogger “blogging” your day.

A blogger is someone with different skills

While most of the bloggers you see here are self-employed and writing, there is generally more to it than that. If you are trying to build a career, you will gain a lot of skills along the way. You won’t be a world-class expert in most of these, but you’ll probably be fine.

You will begin to understand how search engine optimization works, learn the basics of online marketing , know how to create and maintain websites, and understand how to do basic web design and other interesting tasks.

In short, if we look at it as a card game, a blogger is the real valet of all trades.

How I started to be a blogger

After designing your site, the next step is, of course, to start writing blog posts ! This will be your bread and butter and will ultimately ensure the success of your site.

What is the most important tip for this? Make sure you have something new to say. Make sure the titles of your articles attract the attention of people who are interested in your niche. Do this by discussing previously unheard-of topics and ideas, or by creating an emotional response.

Google now prefers long content.

Think of a “value proposition” that you present in each article . How will reading this improve their lives and add to them? Don’t reshape what others have said before. Similarly, make sure your articles are long enough to provide real value. Google now prefers long-form content (800 words +) , of course you have to allow the content to dictate the number of words. How many words do you need?

Of course, it is also important to develop your writing style and minimize your mistakes, but this is something you will improve over time.

The most important thing is to be consistent, and this is where people struggle the most when they want to learn to be a blogger. The goal should be to write a few articles a week and do them successfully. If you go for weeks without any updates, you will lose speed.

Keep writing and do it because you love it.

This can be difficult. Especially if no one is looking at your content in the beginning! Even if you spend time writing and finding attractive pictures, you can probably look 10 times for each new post when you first start .

Remember that this content is not “wasted” . You’ll re-introduce it later to help it gain more views.

Just keep writing and do it with love.

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