Basic Website Elements. Choose A Website Name And Plan The Structure Of Your Website

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In this blog post, we will talk about many important decisions you will make about your website : choosing a website name and planning the structure of your site . The goal is to make it easier for customers to navigate the site and get what they want. Because a happy customer is equal to a successful business.

Domain Name

The first thing is your domain name. Which people will type in a web browser to find you. When choosing a domain name, you should first check if the name you want is empty. For example, there may only be one on the Internet, and if someone owns that name, you can’t use it. So how do you know if the name you want is taken? Just domain registration (domain registrar)Type in a search and click on one of the results. There should be a widow on that site to indicate if someone is using the name you want. And if that name is already in use, it may offer you another similar name that you can use. A good domain name is a domain name that people can easily remember. Choose a name that is short, relevant to your sector, and as relevant as possible.

You can get different variations of the name you want by choosing different extensions . You are probably familiar with ‘.com’ or ‘.az’ extensions, but you can find more suitable ones. For example, nonprofits often use ‘.org’. This means that even if ‘’ is purchased, ‘’ may still exist.

Home page

Well, we talked about the domain name , now let’s look at other common parts, such as the homepage of a website. The homepage is the first page that people see after entering your domain name and entering your website. That is, you are a kind of shop window, where you invite people and tell them what you are. The homepage also redirects visitors to other pages on your website. Your navigation headers can be at the top or side of the page. In either case, it’s a kind of menu that allows you to travel from one part of the site to another.


How you organize your site is very important. Start thinking about the websites you visit regularly. How are they organized?
Now decide what content you want to present and group them logically. By the way, many website building tips offer business website templates that can help you get started.

About Us and Feedback

Want to start somewhere easy? You can start with pages and sections, such as the ‘About Us’ and ‘Contact’ pages, which you see on most websites . You can enter a map with your address, phone number, e-mail and directions on the Contact page of your website . You can tell your business story on our About page and include some pictures of your best work.

User friendly

There is no right or wrong way to organize a site, but you should always put yourself in the place of your visitors. What are they looking for? What are they trying to accomplish on your website? Now you can make your website easier for your visitors to find the information they need (business hours, online orders, etc.) . Now check and evaluate what you see on the pages.


First, you ‘ll see a navigation bar with sections like About Us and Contacts . This navigation bar should appear on every page of your site so that people can always go where they want to go or return to where they are.


Of course, there should be headings, paragraphs, paragraph lists, and texts. There may also be materials such as pictures and videos. Links to text and images can be placed so that when you click on them, they go to other pages. These are ‘hyperlinks’ known as cut-off paths to your site or other pages on the internet .

Many websites invite customers to interact with forms to ask direct questions, step-by-step maps of the way to their stores, or shopping carts to get products directly.

Your website is in front of your digital store and is a great opportunity to connect with customers. Choosing the right domain name , organizing your site logically, and adding useful features can help visitors find exactly what they are looking for.

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